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  标题: 药剂师英语基本会话 pharmacist English Basic conversation

  副标题: 2014.10月


  标题: 范例 Example

  其他占位符: 1. Diagnosis:laryngitic 诊断:喉炎 Azithromycin for Suspension 100MG/tab P.O QD 1pack of each 6Days 阿奇霉素混悬剂口服 一天1次 每次1袋 6天 Ambroxol and Clenbuterol Oral Solution100ml/BotP.O BID 3ml of each 6Days 氨溴特罗口服溶液一天2次 每次3ml 6天 Prednisone Acetate Tablets 5MG/tab P.O For the first time two tablet The second to the eighth one tablet of each 3Days 醋酸泼尼松片 口服 第一次两片,第二到第八次每次一片,共三天。 Pharmacist:Excuse me Is this your baby’s name ? Parents:Yes Pharmacist:Shi doctor prescribe for your baby. Azithromycin is antibiotic medications to treat infection.please take one pack of each every day for six day. Ambroxol is cough syrup ,please take three Ml of each .twice a day for six day.the last one is prednisone ,please take For the first time two tablet The second to the eighth one tablet of each 3Days. Parents:ok!what time to take the medicine? Pharmacist:At the same time of the day. Parents:Taking three kinds of medicine can together? Pharmacist:The best interval for a period of time.


  标题: 范例 Example

  其他占位符: 2Diagnosis: fever 诊断:发热 Paracetamol Suppositories 0.15G per rectum 1capsule of each as neede 对乙酰氨基酚栓0.15G直肠给药,每次一枚,发烧时。 Pharmacist:When the baby’s temperature above thirty-eight point five degrees, ,please take one capsule of each every four to six hours as neede.No more than four times in twenty hours . you might find it easier to insert if you moisten the suppository with water before inserting it .In any case,baby should avoid vigorous exercise for 20to30 minutes after baby insert the suppository.


  标题: 范例 Example

  其他占位符: 3,Diagnosis: Bronchial asthma 诊断:支气管哮喘 Salbutamol Sulphate Aerosol 100mcg P.O 1mcg of each 3times a day 5day. 硫酸沙丁胺醇气雾剂100mcg 口服,每次1mcg 一天三次 Pari Chamber 储物罐 First, open the cap, mask and chamber connect ,on the other side connect medicine, A mask to cover all the snout. Less than 18 months baby, deep breathe in 4 to 6 times ,one puff of each. More than 18 months baby, deep breathe in 2to 4 times ,one puff of each. Clean with clean water after use.


  其他占位符: 4,Diagnosis:Diarrhea 诊断:腹泻 Lactobacillus Acidophilus capsule(lacteol) 235MG P.O 1capsule of each every day 7day 口服嗜酸乳杆菌LB胶囊235MG 口服 每次一粒, 每天1次,共七天。 lacteol?put into the refrigeratoror below 20 degrees. please take one capsule of each with water below 40 degree or milk every day for seven day.

  标题: 范例 Example


  标题: 范例 Example

  其他占位符: 4,Diagnosis:Catch a cold 诊断:感冒 Motrin infant cold P.O 0.8ML of each twice a day 9day 小儿伪麻美芬滴剂 口服 每次0.8毫升 每日2次,9天 Pharmacist:Excuse me I am Yang ping pharmacist,Very willing to service for you,Are you a ROSA's mother? Parents:Yes Pharmacist: doctor prescribe for Your baby, Motrin for infants and young children caused by a cold stuffy nose, cough, runny nose has a therapeutic effect. The doctor prescription drug usage is please take 0.8(zero point eight) milliliterof each twice a day,iIf baby now use (12 o 'clock), then taking a at 8 in the evening, Time is eight in the morning at eight o 'clock in the evening to take the other. Parents:ok! This medicine contains ibuprofen? Pharmacist:It has no Parents:I see, thank you.


  标题: 范例 Example

  其他占位符: 1. Diagnosis: thrush 诊断:鹅口疮 Nysfungin Tablets per mouth 0.2Tablet of each 4times a day 10day 制霉菌素片:每次0.2片,每日4片。共10天 Because the mother of baby thrush, the doctor prescribed dose of ten days, mother to use three days, baby use seven days, using method is as follows: Baby every time quarter, ground into a powder apply into affected area, four times a day.for seven days. Mother four times a day, apply on the nipples for three days 。


  标题: Daily use medicine

  其他占位符: 1.Diagnosis:Fungal vaginitis 诊断:真菌性阴道炎 Clotrimazole Vaginal Tablets克霉唑阴道片(凯妮汀) Nystatin vaginal effervescent tablets制霉菌素阴道泡腾片 Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Soft Capsules硝酸咪康唑阴道软胶囊(达克宁)《伴细菌感染》 Baofukang Suppositories保妇康栓(碧凯) 2. Diagnosis:Trichomonas vaginitis 诊断:滴虫性阴道炎 Metronidazole vaginal effervescent tablets甲硝唑阴道泡腾片0.2G Metronidazole Suppositories甲硝唑栓0.5G Ornidazole Suppositories奥硝唑栓0.5G Compound metronidazole vaginal suppository复方甲硝唑阴道栓0.45G 3. Diagnosis:Hybrid vaginitis 诊断:混合型阴道炎 1. Nifuratel and Nysfungin Vaginal Soft Capsule硝呋太尔制霉素阴道软胶囊

